Monday, July 5, 2010

Saturday July 3

Not even seven days into our Shad experience and we were stripped of the things we had so quickly adjusted to - a comfortable, heated room; running water and of course, electricity. But waking up on Saturday morning to the calmness of the Bay of Fundy seemed to alleviate our grievances. Our day was filled with an assortment of activities where we engaged with nature. First, we were given a brief marine biology lesson and explored the community of animals on the shore. We were also introduced to the phenomenon that occurs daily at the Bay of Fundy - the tides. It's amazing to think that one spot on the beach could be easily paced at noon yet six hours later be submerged in almost 12 feet of water! Continuing with the natural theme, we had a spectacular and succulent lobster dinner. Unaided by our seafood meal, we moved uphill toward Cape Enrage where we took part in all sorts of adventurous activities which included rope courses. The day ended with a somewhat supernatural feeling at the campfire with ghost stories that had some fearing their next step. It'll be tough, but hopefully our next camping trip will top this one!
Michael Lutaaya, Shad Valley University of New Brunswick 2010
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario