Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday July 16

There are certain things we just don’t believe in here at Shad MUN: namely, sleep and predictability. Every day so far has been a cocktail of surprises, and this Friday was no different!

My morning, as usual, began at the crack of dawn with an early tai chi class followed by delicious breakfast. Once back at residence I heard something of a commotion on the floor above us, but dismissed it as unimportant as I hurried to prepare for lectures. Soon enough I noticed something rather peculiar: The entire male half of our program had spontaneously coordinated a suit and tie day!

I feel some pity for the poor under-dressed lecturers who had to face three full rows of young men in business attire.
The lectures, as usual, were fascinating and diverse.
Seminars followed lunch, and what better way to revisit childhood than to frolic through the undergrowth chasing butterflies? Our introduction to entomology was incredible and eye-opening. Who knew there was such a complex insect world just outside our windows?

As today’s schedule seemed especially designed to give me flashback to my carefree days as a fourth grader, the workshop was followed by an intense game of four-square. I must admit that I had so far underestimated the competitive nature of Shads: I never imagined we could become so worked up over a friendly match.

Dinner, then a gruelling two hours of house time for us to work on our business plans.
Thankfully, our PAs know exactly how to end such a long day. We’re treated to game night! Cards, puzzles, and board games of every type are laid out and we enjoy a brief period of brain-laziness.

When we finally head to sleep we were relaxed and looking forward to another amazing day, especially since hiking and swimming have both been promised. But we don’t delude ourselves into believing we know exactly what to expect, because that’s just one of those things we don’t believe in at Shad MUN…

Julia De Benetti, Shad Valley Memorial University of Newfoundland 2010
Hometown: Greenfield Park, Quebec