Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4

Drive. Stretch. Dream. There is only one thing that I can say. My fellow Shads and I have most definitely drove, stretched, and put the natural phenomenon of dreaming to its limits. This weekend has undoubtedly been an epic and legendary experience. My “shadmily” and I travelled to Wolfe Island on a Ferry ride across the St. Lawrence River and we camped on a landmine of cow poop for an entire night. How fascinating! Not only did we exploit the limits of nature, but we also strengthened our already prominent bond within our “shadmily”. This camping experience is something that no one can take away from us, and it will be stored within our hearts forever.

Sweat, sweat, and more sweat! We were so tired when we returned! Although Wolfe Island was a magnificent experience, there was nothing better than my luxuriously manicured bed awaiting my arrival. We are finally home! It was a tiresome trip, but every single second was worthwhile and meaningful. After all, it’s not about how much time you spend together; it’s what you do with the time you do spend together, as well as spending time with the people that you care about and love.

Today was something different. It was so different in that I almost forgot where I am. It’s Sunday? We can sleep in? Am I still at Shad? It’s truly a miracle! Through the first week of thrillingly fun packed days of adventures, we can finally take a break –but not for long-! The morning was surprisingly quite ordinary. I woke up not at the sound of my annoying alarm, but at the glare of the sun! Yep, today I woke up at my own desired time. After a delicious breakfast-in-bed (haha, just kidding), we were given the opportunity to visit Kingston’s farmer’s market, watch cartoons, or visit the local Metros for some groceries. In the afternoon, things began to converse from ordinary to extraordinary. We split our “shadmily” into 2 groups and constructed a chain system of “domino-like” structures that responded to each other from an initial energy. In a more formal and sophisticated term: “Rube Goldberg”. This was an experience that I will never forget. Our room was boiling, yet everyone worked as if the pride of our country was in our hands. We collaborated, screamed, and communicated, though most of all, we stretched our imaginations and dreamed of the impossible. We actually constructed a functioning Rube Goldberg system! The final product was astounding. We cheered as we all gathered and observed our masterpiece in action, and the room slowly went from boiling to volcanic! Fortunately, everyone survived and my group was appointed the winners of this challenge! Pfff… piece of cake (joking again!).

Sigh, I wish today could be lived forever; though I am certain tomorrow will be just as extraordinary as today! After all, it’s Shad Valley isn’t it? Need I say more?

Meng Gao, Shad Valley Queen's University 2010
Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario