Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 14

Another day gone. It can't be true that we arrived a mere 18 days ago from across Canada, anticipating an exciting month and wondering what adventures our next 27 days could hold. The anticipation and curiosity have yet to die down; thanks to our most mysterious schedule we Shads can never be sure what each day has in store for us. Today was no exception.

We awoke much earlier than we sleep deprived teenagers may have liked and ventured out for morning rec, to play some handball or go for a run. After a well-earned breakfast, we prepared for an activity. Upon discovering that it was a math race across campus, we took Memorial by storm. All 48 Shads, sprinting from one building to another, shouting to their group members in insistence that their math was, in fact, right, were surely a sight to behold.

Following lunch, we went to various afternoon workshops, ranging from the math behind logic to strategic management consulting. Later, afternoon rec had diverse choices as well; basketball, soccer, and Bollywood dancing (though perhaps Bollywood dancing was the favourite option of the day-- the session stayed late since an hour simply wasn't enough). With dinner to re-energize us, we then met with our various committees. Groups of eight Shads form committees, each with a project or event to prepare for. My committee, the documentary committee, is working to capture and immortalize our month using film. Others are creating the MUNth book or planning such things as Open Day or Shad Awards.

We then listened to two guest speakers. One speaker, TA Loeffler, spoke of her attempt to climb Mount Everest, comparing it to our house projects. Though perhaps a mountain seems more obviously daunting than a business plan, she certainly recognized the unique challenge that this program is for each individual that attends. Savouring her words of motivation, we worked away at our house projects for an hour and a half and finally headed to bed. After a fulfilling and busy day, we can rest for a while and wonder what awaits us in our final week. Only time will tell.

Julia Redmond, Shad Valley Memorial University of Newfoundland 2010
Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia