Friday, July 9, 2010

July 8

Today, Thursday July 8, 2010, after waking up to British Columbia’s beautiful sunrise and UBC’s mind blowing campus, we started the morning with an entrepreneurship lecture, and then moved into the afternoon with workshops on robotics and aerodynamics. Personally, this was an amazing experience because I was never exposed to such studies on practical engineering.

Not only does Shad provide us with a profound world of intellectual thought, it also teaches us the importance of maintaining a well balanced life. After some physical activity, we explored the campus. I cannot express its beauty – the atmosphere, the trees, the environment, the people – everything was absolutely perfect! After dinner we had the pleasure of speaking with Barry Bisson, the President of Shad Valley, who taught us how we can transform this one month experience into one that lasts forever through active participation in Shad Valley and its eternal growth.

We ended the night with beautiful Shad Speaks. I love this time to learn about the great people I’m living with. Many times their amazing skills are initially unseen. Thus these mini presentations provide every Shad with the opportunity to share a part of them they may never have been able to share in a simple conversation.

Simply through this busy day, I can express that Shad Valley UBC has opened me to an world of unlimited possibilities. This experience is definitely helping me grow into the person I hope to become. I loved the past twelve days and will cherish it for the rest of my life. I cannot wait for the next 15 days of adventurous journeys that lie ahead of us.

Midila Anton, Shad Valley University of British Columbia 2010
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario