Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pancakes, Cookies, and Clean Sheets

Blueberry pancakes are a good way to start off the morning. That, and chocolate milk. Our residence cafeteria ladies never fail us. Ed Jernigan, program director for Shad Waterloo, never fails us either. After trekking through the light drizzle to the lecture hall, Ed enlightened us with a talk on de-blurring photos by using linear difference equations.

A new week is always a new beginning at Shad; a new day, a new adventure. Today was certainly a new adventure, as we delved into different fields of academia. My choice for exploration was a workshop on water titled “What are you drinking…?” Led by Phil, a PhD student at the University of Waterloo, all four of the workshop participants trudged along to Laurel Lake, a pathetic pool of water filled with goose poop. We looked incredibly ridiculous with our lab coats tucked into our hip waders, but we were learning!

Demo night was another adventure. After a long hard day of working on our prototypes made of cardboard and tape, it came to crunch time, and we had to bring our A-Games. All went well and we managed to gather a lot of new ideas to improve our projects.

Now, to end the day, one of the most essential elements of Shad; it was time to switch out our sheets and towels, accompanied by a wonderful snack of cookies.

Bloated tummies and clean sheets. It’s time for bed.

Helen Cho, Shad Valley University of Waterloo 2010
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia