Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23 - Day 27

What an unforgettable experience. When I arrived at the UNB campus, I did not think that 60 people could get so close in a month.

After all of the Open day festivities were over, we stayed up all night, and talked about the great experience that we all had. Unfortunately, at 5:00, the Shads of UNB started leaving. It was very emotional, and everyone was in tears. The first day of Shad, we talked about community, and how when one of us was missing, the whole group suffers. I definitely felt that empty space when people started leaving. At 7:30, another large group of people left for the airport, and everyone broke down in tears again.

People talk about events being life changing. I’ve only had a few. This was definitely one of them. I don’t think I realized it until early this morning, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the experiences that I had at Shad. The lectures, the labs, the meals, but most of all, the people. It’s the people that make the program, and with the best and the brightest from around Canada, there will always be a great bunch of teens at Shad.

When I think about who I spent the month of July with, I don’t think that there could have been a better group of people. I know that we’ll stay connected forever, and that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new experience. Shad Valley brought us closer together then anyone could have imagined.

Colin Hardy, Shad Valley University of New Brunswick 2010
Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario